Wednesday 30 September 2015

My mono printed bike

We did mono printing of a bike which was fun. We then had to draw parts of the bike and re assemble it, this was my outcome which I liked a lot

Sunday 27 September 2015

Humphrey Weightman

A graphic designer named Humphrey Weightman came to speak to us on Wednesday, he spoke about his work and what he does and passed some examples around. It was all really interesting, but not my cup of tea. He was very well organised and had a real passion for what he was talking about, which I loved, if we had the time I'm sure he would have went on for hours on end.

My attempt at cubism

Sunday 20 September 2015

Sam Cornwell talk

Last Wednesday we had a photographer in for a talk, called Sam Cornwell, I found his work extraordinary! I've never really been interested by photography but his pictures inspired me. He told us different cameras he's used and told us what inspired him. But what really amazed me was astrophotography (space) which is something he is doing now. There is one picture that I really liked where he was standing at a lake side surrounded by darkness, with his iPhone light on with the northern lights in the sky. That really impressed me.

Monday 14 September 2015

Oliver reed talk

We had a talk from an artist named Oliver Reed, who also teaches at Edinburgh University. I found his work rather interesting, and I think I remember a part where he said he didn't just paint with brushes and that he also paints with rocks to get the stone texture. He also didn't paint from just one picture, he took several pictures and used them all to create one painting for example, he would maybe take the top right corner and place it in the top left corner and take the centre point and perhaps put it to the side. There was one painting by Oliver that I really liked, it was a painting of a forest like place in winter time and the skies were cold and grey and he really looked at the parts of the trees that snow falls on and sticks, but my favourite point of the painting was the snow itself, he had somehow splattered the paint across the page to make the flake effect and it just looked really nice.