Friday 1 January 2016

Haining ideas etc

In college we are doing a unit based around The Haining House in Selkirk and were asked to design things for a cafĂ© that is to be built there. I had three ideas for the finishing piece, all surrounding the visual art area (Of course with ideas for the other sections too).

One being either a model or large canvas painting using each one of the faces of the owners and inhibiters of the house since being built.
- This picture obviously doesn't use the peoples faces as it was just a sketch in my sketch book.

My second Idea was a painting or collage making up the three Haining pets; a wold, a bear and a monkey which I don't have a picture of at the moment.

My last design which I went through with was something like a portrait on a wall but converting it with the idea of the stags head on the wall while making it 3D, like relief art, as well.
I used mod-roc to make the mould of my face, which dried fairly quick.

I then had to put a strip of the mod-roc over where my nostrils are since it blocked off my airways I had to leave that part open. Once it all fully dried and solidified I mixed some plaster of paris to poor into the mould and left it overnight to dry and took it into college...

I think I used greyboard for the backing of it and sealed everything on with more mod-roc

the frame was made from polystyrene, rolled up paper and masking tape with one layer of mod-roc :s


The antlers were made with newspaper, masking tape and mod-roc in place of paper mache

The face was meant to have some deer features like the white spots and such. I was going to give her a blackened nose but I thought maybe that'll look strange... 

I was really struggling with background ideas but I thought I'd add some flowers as the Haining has a lot of flowers around it. I tried using a collage of different flowers printed form the internet but I didn't think it looked quite right so I looked around the internet for ideas and found one that involves making flowers from tissue paper and i thought that looked pretty good so I went with it.

Finally I used feathers for the hair which is like the idea of birds that would of probably been shot down, again with the idea of hunting.
She's not quite done yet, I might add the idea of pop-art and go over her features with a thin-ish black pen and outline them since she looks quite cartoony, but i'm going to get a few opinions first... My friends and I gave her the name Edna.

Ross Macrae

Before Christmas I came across an artist called Ross MacRae in a pop up shop, who had maybe around about A3 size maybe a little bigger prints of pencil drawings he had done which were originally 1 metre by half a metre in size. I instantly took a liking towards his work as its extremely busy and slightly detailed, I aspire to go down that route of busy and interesting work like his.

The pop up shop in Peebles 

Mural of the Forth Road Bridge, 4 x 6 "ft" Posca and Acrylic paints

He did a mural for The Devil's Scribe Tattoo & Piercing in Edinburgh

AndromedaBob, A1, Pencil and Ink