Tuesday 21 November 2017

Chris Silver - Expressive drawing

Chris Silver is a graduate from Glasgow School of Art, and did Painting and Printmaking. His work is inspired by the theme of Pop Expressionism and has worked in a variety of ways, from Sculpture to portraits and is inspired by art history and the theatricality of fashion imagery. I find his work extremely interesting to look at, his use of colours and the way he applies the media makes his work very expressive and in some paintings, very messy, however the models face always shows through. 
could probably look at his work all day. 

"Sick and tired"

tea, watercolour and graphite


"The Ready Mades"

Lana Lisitsa -Expressive drawing

Lana was born in Odessa - the Soviet Union, in 1967 and studied under local artists while she was in the School of Architecture. Lana is fascinated with social interactions and human nature and would regularly visit parks, train stations and beaches with her sketchbook. 
Recently she is interested in the realm between imaginary and real life, and the blurry line that separates them, just like in dreams.
I picked out some paintings I like the most, i like them because of their use of colour, line and composition, and how 'messy' they appear to be. 

oil on canvas

oil on canvas

Gold and Cobalt
oil on canvas

oil on canvas

Trumpet Solo
oil on canvas