Saturday 9 December 2017

Tom Davidson - Printmaking

Tom started printmaking in 1984, doing lino cuts. He uses a single block of lino, all hand drawn by himself, and does a reduction print starting from light to dark, printing colour on top of colour and produces the most amazing lino landscapes. He makes between 20 and 30 prints with each block.
I think Tom is the most impressive lino printmaker ive ever come across as he makes his work so realistic in some sense. It gives off a calming feeling for me, along with the enthusiasm for myself to get better at lino. 

Expressive drawing Evaluation

For this unit I decided to choose the ink drawing/painting i guess, of the life model in her lying down pose as, to be honest i think its probably the best life drawing work i've done yet. I also really enjoyed applying the media to the paper, using different colours to represent the skin, shadows, blankets and everything else. It was interesting to see what came out of this unit, and by doing it ive come to understand a lot more about the human figure.

I also realised the importance of line, which is why I chose this one as it shows me trying to communicate thicker and thinner lines in specific places, as you see the lines i used for the thighs are thinner than the shoulders. I used a brush pen do this and it was super helpful.

*insert picture*

For another drawing i did, i used pastels. The life model was wearing a magnificent Spanish dress, and it was the most fun thing to draw, i used chalk pastels to attempt to imitate the folds and ruffles in the dress and although messy.. it was a very fun exercise to do, i usually dont get along with pastels what so ever so it was nice to get out of my comfort zone. 

*insert photo*

Another thing i found useful was to initially draw the figure in a light yet visible colour, for example.. a light blue.. and then go over all the mistakes and attempt to correct it with a bright opposite colour like orange. it made a great and interesting drawing when finished.

*insert picture*

Just like the nude of the life model lying down i did the same technique using ink for a sitting pose. I didn't like this one as much as the lying pose however its still okay. I know the arm was a bit dis proportionate and needed fixed however.


I tried to draw the life model with a form of monoprint, where you ink up the board and paint into the ink with a brush with washing up liquid as it breaks down the ink. I dont feel i did too well with this one however I thought id choose it in one of my 7 as it shows a diversity in technique i used for this unit.


Finally I chose another mono print, this one was where you placed newsprint over the ink and draw onto the paper and then you lift it up and whallah.. you have your print.. the image i got was a copy of the lying down pose at the start but i decided to focus on one point, which was the shoulder right down to the feet. 
i really liked these prints as i dont know.. the feet were pretty cool i think.


In conclusion i enjoyed this uni, as short as it was. I really struggled at the start trying to get into it, but i warmed up in the end.

*At this time most of the pictures i cant upload as i may have accidentally deleted the pictures from my phone by mistake during a clear out :s 
They will be uploaded however.*