Wednesday 24 February 2016

photography - my cats

Jessie peering out from the bath.
I never really done anything to this picture and I don't particularly think it needs any filters on it, but i am thinking about straightening it out

Attentive Walter
With this one I played around with the "curves" option in black and white and things got interesting

Attentive Walter.2

I was trying to take an ants eye view of Jessie and she moved a little bit when I pressed the button and the blur came out rather interesting I think

Jessie in the dome B&W and the second one was just me messing with the colour and contrast

Wednesday 10 February 2016


I was playing around with my phone camera while out and about and decided to take pictures of my boyfriends bike and then play around with some effects after I uploaded them onto my laptop.


This one I basically jut sharpened the original picture

Black and white


I think out of those my favourite is either the original or the sepia simply because I think they look a lot more pleasing to the eye... or at least my eye.





On this one I was literally just playing around with the settings, I think I sharpened it and then used the inverted colours and then played about with the hue / saturation option.

on this one I think I just played about with the brightness and contrast and though this looked pretty cool

Think the original and last one are my favourites because they're quite bright and interesting  

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Alister Dippner

Alister Dippner is one of my favourite artist's he does large scale paintings which a lot of them are for album covers for his friends band - Ghost Town. He uses a variety of paint, such as; Golden fluid acrylics, Liquidex, Nova colour acrylics, system 3, ink. He mixes up different shades of grey and stores them in little plastic tube bottle thing's labelling them with percentages, he uses them under paintings for shading before applying colour.
"Out Alive"


"Mother of Dragons"

"Kylo Ren forest"
I love Alister's work for the imaginative use of colour and the way he draw's and how unique it really is, it's very cartoon - like yet real at the same time. His work inspires me to better my own work to his level maybe even higher. He does speed paintings on YouTube which are basically videos of him painting one of these but sped up and that fills me with the inspiration and motivation to do something like it. - Speed painting, This one is probably one of my favourites - "Loner" - Paint he uses -Brushes he uses