Tuesday 3 May 2016

Final ideas for photography

For my final thing for our photography unit I decided to use some of the pictures of my cats, My previous idea for the photography unit was to use my mental health as an idea but I sort of ran out of time for that and I felt it was a little bit much :s but I thought more into it and what helps me the most when im sliding down the slope of self loathing and that is my cats, Walter and Jessie. I looked more into what they usually do on a daily basis and that was mostly shoot around the house at top speed or perch in their cat tree or on shelves.

This image was basically a lucky shot that she moved as i took the picture, i love the smeared effect around her face that was made as she moved.

This one I basically just got down to Walter's level and i think it's okay

Like I was saying, Jessie likes to perch on shelves and tables and I personally love this picture due to the way it sits composition wise with her next to my mums Basset Hound ornament thing 

In this one Walter was confused by the camera so he kept bobbing his head up an down so I had loads of pictures of him just doing that so I thought, why not merge them together?! And this happened

I'm not a photographer, nor really plan on doing anything with photography, I tried my best to get into the photography unit but it never really excited me but i still tried my best :s

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