Sunday 18 September 2016

Mary Morrison

On Tuesday an artist named Mary Morrison came to visit our class to give a talk on her work, She is based in the Scottish Borders and was brought up in the Isle of Haris where she left at the age of 18.
She uses oil paint in different solutions, she explained that she can never come up with the same effect on a canvas twice and every piece of work is unique, Mary works on flat and can sometimes work on several paintings at once as they are oil paint and take forever to dry! She is inspired by the isle she grew up on and incorporates the waves in most of her paintings. She then moved on and was inspired by Abstract Musical Notation and eventually put two and two together and created beautiful work. She was then inspired by tide tables and grids and mapping and then continued to add them to her work to make interesting works.
She is currently based in WASP Studios in Selkirk and has been for the last 12 years. WASP Studios opens once to twice a year and is open on the 1st and 2nd of October and there are 13 other Artists based there.
Mary helped with the Bard Mhealboist project.



This is her studio, as you can see from the picture its rather messy!

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