Saturday 1 October 2016

John Berry

An artist named John Berry came to our class last week, he also has a studio at WASP in Selkirk.
He has a unique outlook at the world and didn't find anyone with the same views until he went to college.
He taught English in Istanbul while also doing some illustration jobs. He also helped to create "The Snowman"
He started doing Illustration and Graphic design jobs once he finished school but always loved collage, he got the opportunity to create a collage mural using books that were being thrown away -there were around 3000 books being thrown out, and he I still using them!!-
He is inspired by Piccasso and Kurt Schwitters' collages. He doesn't like using recognisable people in his collages so he uses old photos of people from years and years back and makes them into art. He also likes old paper and etc.

He is so far my favourite artist who has come to visit, he is interesting and i can really be inspired by him.

These are my favorites by John, they are all done on pieces of wood and they are displayed in a large group, i picked out 3 of my favorites to show. However my pictures are upside down and i'm not sure how to rotate them on here :s;

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