Friday 26 October 2018

JUCO - Fashion photography

JUCO is made from duo photographers, Julia Galdo and Cody Cloud. They use highly saturated colours, patterns and textures in their fashion photography.
i selected 3 images that are interesting to me. I was drawn to the display of bright colours expecially those that used opposite colours, for example the use of the bright orange back ground and the blue jacket, because they are opposites on the colour wheel it really brings out each. 

Or the use of opposite colours in this image, the dark red background and the some what turquoise hair. I enjoy these images as they just jump out of the page. I feel they are fun and exciting

This last one i chose as i was drawn to it for its warm colour composition along with the use of shadow. it just intrigued me.


Ken Drake - Zoo Studio Photography

Ken Drake is a pet photographer and the director at Zoo Studio with help from Beck Drake, Johnny English and Jackie Mosionek. He has won several national and international awards and has been published in different countries all over the world. He focuses on capturing the animals personality and spirit within his photographs.

I enjoy his work as he captures movement flawlessly for instance see the two photographs below.
I love his use of light with the black background which really brings forward the colours on the birds and the water splashing off of the fur of the dog.

i want to explore pet photography more in depths for this unit.