Tuesday 26 April 2016

Alister Dippner.2 - Portfolio

Alister Dippner

Alister Dippner is my all time favorite artist, I came across him a few years ago when I stumbled onto the band Ghost Town, I instantly took a liking to his work.
I suppose he would be classed as an established artist as he is no longer in artistic education (College/Uni)
Alister has an online digital portfolio posted through his website - The Machinist Factory - http://www.themachinistfactory.com/  

Using his digital portfolio you can access his work very easily, and quickly from anywhere at any time. His audience would be huge as it can be accessed from all over the world.
He sells most of his art on his website, sometimes the originals but mostly just prints of various sizes for about $15 to $55 

"Crystal Ball Kid" 12x18 inch

"Snowfall" 16x21 inch

"American Outcast" 12x18 inch

In conclusion, 
There are many benefits of having a digital portfolio, like you can sell your work, you can access it anywhere and so can many other people.

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