Saturday 9 April 2016

Edward Honaker - photography

Edward Honaker is a photographer who documented how his depression and anxiety made him feel using self-portrait photography.
I've never entirely cared for photography but these really spoke out to me because I also suffer from anxiety and depression, I understood his photographs in my own way and how I've experienced them in my own life.
Every picture in the collection is in black and white, and the way I understood it was because generally I feel like everything is dull and basically in black and white, even if you don't physically see it that way...

This would generally have been seen as a happy family portrait, but with Edwards face scratched out it makes it seem like he's being erased from the photo. Maybe he felt alone even with the people he (maybe) loves the most surrounding him?

Both are difficult mental health issues alone, but with both of them at the same time can sometimes overwhelm you and give you the feeling that you're drowning or suffocating, the photo suggests that they're making him feel surrounded and its hypothetically burying him

In this photo his body almost blends into the background, perhaps suggesting how invisible anxiety and depression is.

Most of the photos are very empty and bland, which is probably how he feels.
The reason I chose to add him to my photography thing was because one of my ideas for my photography unit at college was to try and interpret my own mental health issues in my work and probably use as my end topic to hand in. I feel like this topic is very personal to me because I never tend to talk about it and very little people know about it (I think) but it's also the topic thats closest to me.

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