Monday 4 February 2019

webcam - Photography

A webcam is a camera usually attached to a computer that feeds or streams its image. When an image is captured it can be sent, saved or viewed through other networks eg. internet/email etc and can then be saved/viewed on the device it has been sent to.
When i was little we had a webcam we had to buy separately which connected to our computer via USB, being the time (Early 2000's maybe at a guess 2003??) it was very bad quality, very blurry.

Image result for 2003 webcam

think this might actually be the same one we had^^ a "Logitech QuickCam Messenger WebCam" as quoted on Amazon


Usually webcams these days are included within laptops, mine doesn't seem to work? though that doesn't bother me as mine is always covered with a googly eye :)

Image result for laptop webcam

Obviously computer cams are higher quality today as apposed to how they were last time i ever used one (2012ish).
The original sense of the term Webcam is basically a video camera connected to the Web continuously rather than one small session, which supplies a view for anyone viewing through a web page. Loads of online presences use them for live streaming for gaming(Twitch), Facebook, Instagram, sometimes Youtube etc. It has enabled the ability to use "web cams" as security cameras that can feed back to a computer or your mobile phone, traffic cameras etc.
Modern webcams also have the capability to capture pulse rate - accurate to +5 bpm.

Computer webcams aren't something that i generally use and i wish i could have taken my own photos using my webcam for this blog :( but after learning a wee bit more i think i'll come to think a bit more about different photography choices in any future photography experiments

Thursday 24 January 2019

Photography Finals

So for my final images, i chose to go along the lines of "up close and personal" 
I chose 6 images, all representing my journey in sewing, i took it up last year after my horrific final for another unit that i forgot the name of. During the summer i dedicated myself to homing in on becoming better at sewing and since then i have started an online/craft fair business making childrens clothes, toys, bunting and more recently a couple of adult size dresses, and have become rather obsessed with it and its become my main reason for procrastinating these days... kind of a catch 20/20 - i'm being productive but also not at the same time. 
I'm not sure if its something i want to take to Uni though as im worried it'll suck the enjoyment out of it, though im still having an internal battle over wither or not i should apply to Heriot Watt and do textiles or continue with my illustration plan... I want to do both. We will see..

These are my favorites ^^ as i love that it shows the details of the metal scratches along with the different fibers on the thread going everywhere :)

Photography photos!

So first of all i started by testing out my new phone camera :)

 We were then asked to go to the "photography cupboard" and use the lighting & background etc.

For homework we were asked to take photographs with various themes;
Street Photography

I think i have a couple more on my Instagram - edited versions.


While visiting my granddad at his shop in Peebles, i thought this would be a cool opportunity to photograph his workshop. This is a place i would visit occasionally as a child with my mum when visiting my Gran, I chose it for the theme decay because his workshop brings me lots of childhood memories, almost everything on the walls have been there probably longer than i can remember and the same could probably be said about some of the shavings, the walls are yellowed from years of smoking.  

Nature Morte/Still life

Had a couple of images of my favorite little things from my desk, one of which was my grannies pin cushion - which she made - i had a theme going but im not sure where it went...

 I then, after gardening found some funky looking carrots! - I have better, edited versions on my Instagram


I was basically doing a thing taking pictures of some of my furry friends noses? - which i guess also folds into the upclose and personal theme

Up close & personal
I think this is my favorite type of photography as it gives you a cool perspective on normal things


Some other things;

Again, I have lots more on my instagram :)