Thursday 24 January 2019

Photography Finals

So for my final images, i chose to go along the lines of "up close and personal" 
I chose 6 images, all representing my journey in sewing, i took it up last year after my horrific final for another unit that i forgot the name of. During the summer i dedicated myself to homing in on becoming better at sewing and since then i have started an online/craft fair business making childrens clothes, toys, bunting and more recently a couple of adult size dresses, and have become rather obsessed with it and its become my main reason for procrastinating these days... kind of a catch 20/20 - i'm being productive but also not at the same time. 
I'm not sure if its something i want to take to Uni though as im worried it'll suck the enjoyment out of it, though im still having an internal battle over wither or not i should apply to Heriot Watt and do textiles or continue with my illustration plan... I want to do both. We will see..

These are my favorites ^^ as i love that it shows the details of the metal scratches along with the different fibers on the thread going everywhere :)

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