Saturday 12 January 2019

Huawei P20 phone camera - photography

I've had the P20 for a couple of months now, and very quickly noticed how easy it is to take good quality pictures.
The P20 has a duel camera lens and uses "artificial intelligence" to recognise your pictures subject matter - i actually found this to recognise my pet rabbits as "cats" and my pet rats as "dogs"?
Also when taking picture with grass, once recognised it automatically makes the green super bright (see image example below)- you can however turn this feature off as its just part of the auto setting.

as well as the automatic "photo" settings, you can select "night" and "portrait" which also have automatic settings. 

The "night" setting helps you take better pictures in the dark, once you hit the capture button it automatically starts brightening the image for example;

While the "portrait" setting focuses on faces and usually blurs the background, two examples; 

I love the automatic settings as its an easy way for me to take images in general as well as for my online business.
Exploring other settings
While looking through everything i can do on my phone camera for this i discovered that there are 4 different light painting techniques included in the "more" section - this includes  a"traffic trails" setting, a "Light Graffiti" setting, a "Star trails" setting and a "silky water" setting. This is a new discovery for me as i'm not very adventurous with my camera and just take it as it is... 
I first off played with the Traffic Trails setting with the lights on my laptop keyboard as i live in the middle of nowhere and there is no traffic what so ever. This created this kind of effect, interesting to say the least! I would love to get out in Edinburgh to use this feature for realsies though.... Can maybe attempt this in Peebles tomorrow?? We'll see :)

Moving on, I tried using the Star Trail setting, unfortunately there aren't any stars out tonight... Another thing i will be trying in the next couple of months!!! If successful i will upload this to Instagram <3
I also have not tried the Silky Water setting either.. I'll have a lookie at that in the next couple of days.. hopefully it rains!

Finally i played with the Light Graffiti setting which was fun! I switched my livingroom light off and lit some matches! only burnt myself once :) 

I personally LOVE this phone and its camera. It has some custom settings eg. Aperture etc but I'm going to explore them tomorrow while its light outside :) I'll upload them to instagram and also update this blog with them

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