Thursday 24 January 2019

Photography photos!

So first of all i started by testing out my new phone camera :)

 We were then asked to go to the "photography cupboard" and use the lighting & background etc.

For homework we were asked to take photographs with various themes;
Street Photography

I think i have a couple more on my Instagram - edited versions.


While visiting my granddad at his shop in Peebles, i thought this would be a cool opportunity to photograph his workshop. This is a place i would visit occasionally as a child with my mum when visiting my Gran, I chose it for the theme decay because his workshop brings me lots of childhood memories, almost everything on the walls have been there probably longer than i can remember and the same could probably be said about some of the shavings, the walls are yellowed from years of smoking.  

Nature Morte/Still life

Had a couple of images of my favorite little things from my desk, one of which was my grannies pin cushion - which she made - i had a theme going but im not sure where it went...

 I then, after gardening found some funky looking carrots! - I have better, edited versions on my Instagram


I was basically doing a thing taking pictures of some of my furry friends noses? - which i guess also folds into the upclose and personal theme

Up close & personal
I think this is my favorite type of photography as it gives you a cool perspective on normal things


Some other things;

Again, I have lots more on my instagram :)

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