Monday 9 October 2017

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Printmaking

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was born on May 6th, 1880 in Aschaffenburg, Bavaria. Ernst was considered to be a part of the Expressionism and Die Brucke movements. Die Brucke was a group of German expressionist artists that came together in 1905, Ernst was one of the founding members.
Unfortunately Ernst committed suicide on June 15, 1938 while the Nazi's rose to power and their campaign against "Degenerate Art."

The human figure was very important to Ernst's work, he portrayed the figure in movement, as he believed that it expressed the natural form of the human body.

I selected a few prints of his that I particularly liked, throughout all of them that I've seen, I've discovered I love his style and graphic-ness in the prints, something I may want to attempt in any future lino prints I do myself.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, woodcut, portrait of henry van de veldes, 1917

Out of the three I've chosen I think this one is my favourite. I love the use of line and composition with the face and the landscape behind. I also love that there's so much to look at in this print, and I think the print just being black and white adds to it somehow.
interesting how simple line can hold so much detail.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: Man's Head, Self Portrait (1926) woodcut

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Tribulations of Love, 1915, Colour woodcut

These last two I decided to put in as they use colour and kind of the process of a reduction print.
Just like the first one, I like the use of line, and in this case I also love the use of colour.
All of his prints are very interesting and to me, very eye pleasing and I don't think I've seen one that I didn't like that much.

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