Monday 9 October 2017

John Fellows - Printmaking/Media Handling

John Fellows is a printmaker I looked at last year for a unit called Specialist Techniques where I chose.. well.. Printmaking. John collects a variety of paper, hand written letters and maps dating back to 1880's and collages them to print on to make a completely unique print with his completely unique style.
Now collaging paper together to print on is actually something I've been heavily thinking about for a couple of days while my mind has been what I like to call "art ticking" so I thought doing a report on John would be a great idea.

We Are All In This Together (Sink or Swim) / 16”x20” / linoleum carving collage on used nautical chart / 2011

 Der Holzfaller / 10”x17” / linoleum carving collage on topographic map / 2013

Der Wanderer  /  10"x8"  / Linoleum carving collage on Swiss topo map  / 2014

I think John is one of my favourite artists, I love the idea of using maps in art, and especially when its the use of maps with print!!
I love the way he carves shapes and the way he designs the illustrative human face. He just very much makes my arty brain tick and think about how I can be better with lino, how to cut certain lines and what to do within my own work I guess.

He also posted his process on his website and that was pretty helpful.

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