Wednesday 24 January 2018

Photography experiments...

We were given a brief for a Photography unit with the theme "My point of view" 
However we were first given activities around playing with a camera.
These were my attempts of playing with shutter speed

Was kinda fun and I got some really interesting photos from it!

Theres some more which are on my memory card.

Ive lost my other experimental photos, might be on the Mac in the classroom??? 

We also experimented with different types of photography like, Street photography, lighting, reflection and a thing where, for a week you take a picture of whatever you're doing at that time at the same times every day, for example a picture every day at 12.00pm then one at 3pm and another one at say 8pm... I tried my best at this but forgot most days.. 
Those photos you can find on my Instagram because I was stupid and deleted them off my phone after I uploaded them since I needed the space - @mitten_face_

Moving on... We got to play around with photoshop!!! In truth.. photoshop is hard!!!!! 

I played around with merging photos, playing with effects and colour.. and LIQUIFY!! then selecting parts of the image and putting that in colour/b&w

heres soon photos I edited with great difficulty at home!

I merged 3 photos together and then selected around the people and played with the contrast.

And this was just two photos merged together, I wanted it to look like the window/doorway was leading onto the road but I just couldn't get my head around PS...

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