Friday 5 January 2018

Scott Minzy - Printmaking

Scott is a teacher, book illustrator and relief print artist who works along the themes of fear, regret and longing, he likes to indicate these feelings with wiry lines and finds that relief printing is a good way to show that. His favorite materials to use are lino & ink (Of course), book cloth, and newsprint. 

"Last Glance"
6"x8", Linocut, 2011, Edition of 30

"The Committee"
6"x8", Linocut, 2011, Edition of 30

I like that the faces in his prints are completely soulless and look super creepy. I think they're super interesting and i will most likely do a couple of prints like this for experimental purposes, perhaps see how they look screen printed with the same sort of ideas? hmmmm...

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